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C J Barry - Body Master
04.11.2010, 05:22

Название: Body Master

Автор: C J Barry

Год выпуска: 2010

Описание: паранормальный роман.

Количество глав: 25 глав.

Серия: XCEL, книга 1.

Аннотация на английском.

Her world under siege...

Seneca Thomas is an agent with XCEL, a secret government taskforce charged with capturing the dangerous shapeshifters that have infiltrated New York City , passing for humans. Her Native American heritage gives her a special gift—the ability to see the shapeshifters for what they are. Unfortunately, this doesn’t make killing them any easier...

...his life on the line.

Max Dempsey was on a refugee transport that crashed to Earth, setting thousands of shapeshifters free to do what they do best—replicate the local population in order to
survive. Among them is the shifter who murdered Max’s wife. Now Max’sonly desire is to find him and destroy him—until he gets partnered with Seneca, a sexy, fearless agent who would kill every one of his kind—including Max—if given the chance.

A dangerous liaison

As a criminal army of shifters assembles under the city determined to wreak havoc and destroy humanity, Seneca and Max will have to embrace their explosive chemistry, for only by trusting in each other and their power can they hope to stop the growing evil.

Категория: Книги на языке оригинала | Добавил: Diana
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